The Western media has gone mad in the last few months on the issue of the so-called "Russian hacking". They are constantly presenting the "Russian hacking" as a fact, as if there is no doubt that the Russians did it. One cannot escape the conclusion that the Western media follows Goebbels's motto that "if you tell the same lie enough times, people will believe it; and the bigger the lie, the better."
Whenever one tries to see the logic in the Western media, it comes down to convincing us that "Russians did it because the US government institutions said so". We are asked to believe these institutions, who have been manipulating us for decades to accept various wars and other crimes as "just and necessary". We must believe the MSM, but we should not believe the so-called "fake news", even if they come from sources that have proven to be correct.
The blaming of Russia, or its President Putin, was a convenient way to avoid the discussion on the real scandal, which was the way the "establishment" stole the nomination from Bernie Sanders. We have information published by WikiLeaks, the truthfulness of which nobody disputes, and instead of discussing that, we are forced to discuss the "Russian hack" and whether that was "an act of war". Can you comprehend what is happening: we have a real, proven, scandalous problem in the US political system, but instead of that, we have to discuss a "problem" that does not have any factual basis!?!?
This is insulting to me and I cannot understand how can so many intelligent people accept this insult to their intelligence?
I don't have the time and the energy to go through all arguments and facts. You can find plenty of that in independent or opposing media:
- Robert Parry's latest article in
- US Intelligence Veterans Disputing the Russia Hacking Claims
- Pulizer prize winner Glenn Greenwald writes in The Intercept or watch his interviews on DemocracyNow on 2017-01-05 (starting at 33'40'') and 2017-01-06 (starting at 14'10'')
- And if you dare to listen to the "enemy propaganda", here is what they said on 4th, 6th, and 9th of January.
Where should I stand when I hear more common sense coming from the "enemy"?
An American friend tells me that I am biased. That there are many good and decent people working in the MSM. Sure, most of these journalist were not born evil or manipulative, but their careers depend on whether their positions are aligned with the editorial policy. When a journalist works in NYT, WaPo, or any other MSM outlet, s/he must follow that policy or risk their career. Of course, that applies to the Russian, Chinese, German, or Swedish journalist working in their respective medias. Yes, they all do propaganda - that's their job, but we have to use our critical thinking before deciding what to believe.
In recent years, on many war-an-peace issues, I am given the choice to believe the uniform "Russia/Putin-is-responsible-for-all-evil-in-this-world" point of view, promoted by the MSM, which has been shown to be wrong or deceptive in the past. On the other hand I have independent media, like WikiLeaks,, The Intercept, DemocracyNow and others that have never let me down. Who should I believe?
Am I biased, if my independent sources that give me fact-based point of view, appear to be in agreement with the "Russian propaganda"?
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