I decided that I should stop waiting for the time to write and publish a big blog piece because that time never comes...
Instead, I should simply write a few words each week, even if I don't have much time for research in order to find the best sources to make my point. Maybe that will lower the quality of my posts, but now I want to do it more as a record of my thoughts about the state of the world peace and the propaganda I see daily...
So, what am I thinking after week 39?
My biggest concern remains the USA - it goes crazier and drags Europe, and the rest of the World with itself. The hypocrisy and the propaganda to justify the wrongdoings of the West have no limits...
Let's look at the North Korea issue. We hear the demands that it abandons its nuclear program, we hear that Kim Jong-un is irrational, that N. Korea's nuclear and missile tests are provocations, etc. This all maybe true, but what if it all is in reaction to the American actions. As usual, the Western media does not tell us much about the history or circumstances that led to the "illegal", or "irrational" actions. So, please go to the trustworthy Consortiumnews.com and read about the Korean history, which may help you understand that "suicidal dictatorship" [1, 2]. The second of the two articles is especially important because it gives the policy options and analyzes them.
Even if we accept the propaganda that N. Korea is the worst dictatorship in the world, shouldn't we stop for a minute and ask ourselves: Why is it irrational to get WMD, if the evidence shows that the only way for a country to survive American efforts for "regime change" is to have WMD?
Every "dictator" that agreed to give up their pursuit of WMD got killed, and his country destroyed.
Is it irrational to fear a country that you are technically at war with, that has bombed you until its pilots complained that "there are no targets left", that is sanctioning you, and threatening you with "fire and fury like the world has never seen before"?
Let's not forget that this blog is also about propaganda. Today's media giants are instruments of propaganda, and the "Don't Be Evil" Google is showing us how it is done, but I will try to write more about that another time...
In relation to today's topic, I made a Google search for "Korean war casualties" and here is a snapshot of the result:
Do you notice something? You don't see North Koreans in the first page of search results although most of the human casualties were North Koreans. I guess for Google, or for the sources they rely on, North Koreans are not humans...
Anyway, after some digging, I found various numbers and it turns out that North Korea lost between 20% and 30% of its population! Here is a quote from General Curtis LeMay, as quoted in [Richard Rhodes, “The General and World War III,” The New Yorker, June 19, 1995, p. 53]:
“After destroying North Korea’s 78 cities and thousands of her villages, and killing countless numbers of her civilians, [General] LeMay remarked, “Over a period of three years or so we killed off – what – twenty percent of the population.”
In order to comprehend what North Korea suffered, consider that during World War II the UK lost 0.94% of its population, France lost 1.35%, China lost 1.89% and the US lost 0.32%.
I know that my American friends find it difficult to believe that their nation can be seen as doing something evil, but that is probably because in every country the school history books are written to make the students in that nation feel good. If Americans could somehow comprehend what their leaders, secret services, and army, are doing to the rest of the world, they may not be so proud of their nation. Unfortunately, they are easily led to believe all kind of falsehoods in order to justify whatever their leaders want to do and make them feel good about it.
I mentioned Americans, but we, the Europeans are just as guilty, if not even more so. The reason is, because we can stand up to the American crazy policies. We, as their allies, can say "no" without fear of being destroyed, but we don't do it... We support them instead...
So, when we look at the facts (not the spin by the MSM) it should not be surprising that the North Koreans can be a little paranoid by their fear of a Goliath that they are technically at war with, but more importantly, we should understand that it is not irrational to seek a weapon that can deter that Goliath, i.e. the development of their own WMD.
This is not just the opinion of an amateur like me, this is also the opinion of six former high-level experienced U.S. government officials. You may have heard at least the names of the William Perry and George Shultz. They wrote that "Kim Jong Un is not irrational and highly values preserving his regime... Talking is not a reward or a concession to Pyongyang and should not be construed as signaling acceptance of a nuclear-armed North Korea. It is a necessary step to establishing communication to avoid a nuclear catastrophe. The key danger today is not that North Korea would launch a surprise nuclear attack. Instead the primary danger is a miscalculation or mistake that could lead to war.”
Unfortunately, we have US administration that is highly irrational and pushes the World on the path to destruction. Note that I am not saying Trump! The media makes a lot of noise about Trump, but he is just a clown. The problem is the "deep state", but almost all "progressives" in USA are now so busy getting rid of Trump that they support all war-mongers and that same "deep state" that keeps Trump on a leash.
The US democracy is a mirage. People vote, leaders and faces change, but the policy remains the same...
My few words for this week became quite a lot. So, it is time to stop.
Right on, Konstantin. Here's a link to a pretty powerful video and shorts (for people with less time) about what the US military has been up to in the last few decades: http://www.scarredlandsfilm.com/
ReplyDeleteI am happy to say that there are a solid core of US citizens horrified at what their country gets up to - e.g., I was just at the NoWar2017 conference in Washington DC. They bemoan, among other things, the fact that 55% of discretionary spending (the money the US government has to spend) goes to the Department of "Defense" - a misnomer if there every was one!
I fully agree with you. There should be negotiations not war posturing. A nuclear super power has no moral grounds insisting that another country should start disarming before negotiations can take place, and there are now too many indications that the USA has refused negotiations before unilaterally declaring war, which is illegal, and yes, the rest of the 'free' world is complicit! It doesn't wind me up to say these things - it's just the sick end of what humans can get up to. Compassion is one feeling that arises, and gratitude that although brainwashed, I haven't been brainwashed into thinking war is noble or a good thing. Life doesn't have to be like this! Wars are not inevitable! We should drop the idea of 'just' wars - war is crap - war is for the weak - it's apparently easier for us humans to invade another country, rape and pillage, and bury our heads in the sand than it is to wake up to ourselves. "Real men"/women don't fight wars, "real men"/women meditate, get informed, contemplate, and speak out for sanity and peacefully stand in the way of insanity! We need to change the narrative! Thanks for you blogging Konstantin, but be well and happy - life is a miracle!